2 Pin
Plug 110 Volts
2 Pin Euro
Plug 220/240 Volts
3 Pin British/UK
Plug 220/240 Volts -
2 Pin Australian
Plug 220\240 Volts
Vaporizer Plugs & Voltage
• 2 Pin – 220/240 Volts Australian Plug
• 3 Pin – 220/240 Volts British Plug
• 2 Pin – 110 Volts Plug
• 2 Pin – 220/240 Volts Euro Plug -
Diffuser Plugs & Voltage
• 2 Pin – 220/240 Volts Australian Plug
• 3 Pin – 220/240 Volts British Plug
• 2 Pin – 110 Volts Plug
• 2 Pin – 220/240 Volts Euro Plug

Touch Test for Vaporizers
Essential Oil Vaporizers & Soy Wax Warmers
To establish if the Aromamatic Vaporizer is working correctly, follow the instructions:
1. Turn the vaporizer on and allow it to reach full temperature (approx 15min).
2. Lightly touch the centre of the bowl with your finger.
3. If the vaporizer is warm to the touch, then it is working correctly.
Essential Oil & 2inOne Vaporizers
Ceramic Vaporizers FAQ
How do I care for my Vaporizer?
After your essential oil has vaporized from the bowl, wipe clean with a
damp cloth. Alternatively, add 2-3 drops of essential oil or vaporizer
cleanser to the warm bowl to loosen any residue that may remain.
How long will the oil last?
This depends on the essential oil used. A base note oil (e.g.
Sandalwood) will take longer to vaporize than a middle note oil (e.g.
Lavender), which in turn will take longer to vaporize than a top note
oil (e.g. Lemon).
Essential oil blends will vaporize differently, according to the combination of essential oils used in the blend.
How often do I have to add oil to the Vaporizer?
As often as you wish, remembering that the aroma from the essential oil
will linger in the atmosphere for some time after the oil has vaporized.
Do I have to turn the Vaporizer off when the oil has vaporized?
No – with its low-temperature control, the Aromamatic Vaporizer allows safe and continuous operation.
What happens when the oil has finished vaporizing?
Nothing – No harm will come to the vaporizer when the oil has vaporized away.
To get the best from the vaporizer, please remember to clean it regularly.
I can't smell the oil?
Our sense of smell is such that the aroma which is continuously inhaled
through the olfactory system will cease to be recognized after a period
of time. This is called fading.
My Vaporizer is getting too hot
The temperature cannot and will not vary unless the vaporizer has ceased to operate altogether.
Do the Touch Test.
To establish if the Aromamatic Vaporizer is working correctly, follow the instructions:
1. Turn the vaporizer on and allow it to reach full temperature (approx 15min).
2. Lightly touch the centre of the bowl with your finger.
3. If the vaporizer is warm to the touch, then it is working correctly.
My Vaporizer is not getting hot enough
Do the Touch Test.
The oil is leaking through the bowl and may be damaging the base plate.
Unless the ceramic bowl is cracked, the oil cannot leak through the base plate.
It is more likely that too much oil has been added, or water has been added with oil causing spillage, affecting the base plate.
What type of Oil are you using?
a. Is it a pure essential oil? Is it a respected brand of essential oil.
b. Is it a blend of oil? If so, what is in the blend?
c. Is the oil diluted in a base oil? e.g. Rose in 3% jojoba oil.
d. Remember to clean the vaporizer regularly.
Are you using water in the Aromamatic Electric Oil Vaporizer?
Have you cleaned the vaporizer recently?

Product Instruction Manuals
• Woodgrain Mist Diffusers
• Ultrasonic Mist Diffusers
• Mini Handheld Diffuser
• Essential Oil Vaporizers
• Deluxe 2inOne Vaporizers
• Soy Wax Warmers
• MLT Wax Warmer